General Election 2024: Hustings and Collaborative Letter

Mon, 01/07/2024 - 15:52pm

Scottish Rural Action is organising the General Election Hustings on 2 July, providing an opportunity for direct engagement with candidate MPs. Participants can question political parties on their visions for the future of rural and island Scotland, addressing key areas such as energy, transport and connectivity, support for small businesses, agriculture, and fishing.

Additionally, Scottish Rural Action, Action for Rural Communities in England, PLANED and Northern Ireland Rural Community Network, have written a letter to all political parties that are standing candidates in the coming General Election, requesting that their proposed programmes for government properly take into account the interests of rural and island communities. 

We encourage everyone interested in the future of rural and island Scotland to participate and make their voices heard. Together, we can ensure that the needs and priorities of our communities are at the forefront of the political agenda.